Calendar for Biblical moeds

The Holy Name Bible by A.B. Traina
Genesis 1:14
And Elohim said, Let the lights in the firmament of the heavens separate the day from the night; and they will be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
Genesis 1:15
And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
Genesis 1:16
And Elohim made to appear two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: and the stars.
Genesis 1:17
And Elohim set them in the firmament of the heaven to lighten the earth,
Genesis 1:18
And to rule by day and by night, and to separate between light and between darkness: and Elohim saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:19
And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.


When does a "day" begin, at evening? or at the day's dawning with "Light": "And Elohim called the light Day" Genesis 1:5.  -  Download a PDF by Craig Peters called - "The Dayspring" Spiritual Proof a Day Begins in the Morning
The qodesh days, the New Moon Day and the 7th day Sabbath begin and end with the "Light of Day", "are there not 12 hours in a day" John 11:9
Exo 16:23 And he said unto them, This is that which Yehovah hath said, To morrow is the rest of the holy sabbath unto Yehovah: bake that which ye will bake to day, and seethe that ye will seethe; and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning.
  And at the end of the 15th day, the 2nd quarter Sabbath, they went out and gathered the quails, also showing the 7th day Sabbath ends at evening when the sun goes down, away from sight.
The evening of the 9th day, showing preparation with fasting, for the day of Atonement, on the 10th: This is mistakingly used by many as the basis of 'evening till evening' of a day unit. A day unit does not consist of parts of two different day numbers, e.g. the 9th and the 10th. The night has the same name and number following the light of day before it, such as the evening of the 9th, preparation for the 10th day of Atonement, the observance ending at sunset.

I think Genesis 1:2 might have been altared, and this is what it could be.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning created Elohim alef & tav, the heavens and the earth
2. And the earth existed without form and empty, and darkness on the face of the deep
And the Spirit-Moon of Elohim moving gently on the surface of the waters

(I think that was the time the New Moon Day is about, before creation week started, as The New Moon Day, His Qodesh Day is the period before the weekly cycle begins, when the foundations of the earth were laid and all the sons of Elohim shouted for Joy, this is what yom teruah, the New Moon Day of the 7th month commemorates, the period before creation week began with the creation of the 1st day of the 1st weekly cycle, with the light of the sun. On day 4 He pulled the sun and moon down beneath the waters above, into the firmament below, where they became visible, and appointing them their functions as the keepers of time, thus creating and establishing His lunar calendar, with her 4 lunar weeks in honor of the 4 letters of His Great Name; and to "help" the vegetation He created on day #3, and He created the stars and all of the visible hosts of heaven, and placed them all underneath the firmament which holds the waters above from falling down, except during the flood, He opened the windows of heaven, the firmament,  and let some of the waters above the firmament fall through the windows of heaven)

 (Let The Word of Yehovah, Every Word, be True, through Moses His humble servant, and let every differing voice be a liar. All True science is in agreement with That Word, and everything differing from That Word is false science, a liar, or it is 'science for sale' which is also a lie, an echo of the snake)

Job 38:4  Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. 
Job 38:5  Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line(rim) upon it? 
Job 38:6  Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; 
Job 38:7  When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of Elohim shouted for joy?

This was when "darkness was upon the face of the deep" and darkness was upon the face of the moon, as

Psalms 81:3

Blow in the New Moon the ram's horn, ba-kesah (fully covered-clothed-concealed), in day designated.

"Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy" is undefined, which Sabbath as there are several different "Sabbaths" in Scripture.
It turns out that on the tables of Stone which apparently is the only Scripture left on earth that has the true quotation, written by "The Finger of Elohim"
that His people are startled when reading down the tablets they are startled when they reach the 4th commandment on the tables of stone, they are surprised to see, "Remember The New Moon Day to keep It Qodesh" see Early Writings page 255 for this passage
"They trace down the lively oracles,
but start back with trembling when they see the
fourth commandment among the ten holy precepts,
with a brighter light shining upon it than upon the
other nine, and a halo of glory all around it."
They start back with trembling, because they discover something that they did not expect to see written on the tables of stone.

This obliteration of the 4th commandment is the consumate act of deception of the great deceiver, only to be surpassed when he appears as "Christ Jesus superstar" on earth, and men will worship him, as he places his Mark upon them.

He has already persuaded the bulk of humanity that the earth is a sphere in contradiction of Genesis 1
A friend once told me that "we are deceived on every point, except the specific points that Elohim has un-deceived us upon"

False modern science, which he controls by money, will deceive many

The false cosmology of today, modern science falsely so called, has the sun as the center of a so called solar system, and bloats up the sun, bigger than life, when according to biblical cosmology(logical deductions), the sun and moon are not too much different in size, some calculate 30 to 50 miles in diameter, and the sun is as a strong man to run a race, racing aross the sky from one end of heaven to another, with the moon following a little slower behind. The sun makes one additional circuit through the sky, (under the dome, which is probably about 7200 miles high) around the north pole, which is near polaris the north star, about every 29.5 days, above the slightly slower circuit of the moon following behind it, as the sun catches up with the moon again, it becomes conjunction, and a new moon day.

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O hallel, ben shawkhar! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of El: I will place the mount of the appointed times in the recesses to hide from discovery.

Isa 28:12 To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear. (The refreshing is health-life-force-energy, then a clearer mind, no corrupt endothermic foods, for a mind energized with a higher voltage, capable of being impressed by The Qodesh Spirit, to meet with Yehoshua in the upper chambers of the mind, away from the basement. Then with a higher functioning intellect, not hampered by endothermic foods, (why would anyone want to decrease the voltage activating their intellect?) you can see the wonderful symmetries of Truth hidden in The Scriptures. His True Soli-Lunar Calendar defining all of His Moeds, determined by the plummet showing conjunction of the sun and moon, coming across the land together in the east. These define "The Rest" in verse 12 of Isaiah 28.
Isa 28:16  Therefore thus saith Yehovah Elohim, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation(Lunar weekly cycle and lunar month determined by conjunction of the sun and moon together coming up in the east in the morning, swinging the plummet slightly towards the east, and to the west at the going down of the sun and moon in the west, is the sure foundation of the True Moeds, which Sabbaths if we keep He promises to make us qodesh, as verse 17 indicates-righteousness to the plummet): he that believeth shall not make haste.
Isaiah 28:17 
Judgment also will I lay to the line (a plumbline), and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
(Isaiah 28:16, 17 are speaking of the plummet for determining conjunction as the mounting of the lunar month, marking day 1, and proclaiming-consecrating it by blowing the trumpet to annouce publicly; the morning the sun and moon sway the plummet, coming up together in the east, in Jerusalem. The Avalance of Truth, in the latter rain will sweep away the refuge of lies, all of them-perhaps?
Psalms 118:22 Plummet-cast away(see Dan 8:11)-surely-has become-to beginning-corner. (corner is day 1 of the Biblical lunar month)

Today it might rain. The weather is not dependable to allow observation of the sun and moon. So - Righteousness to the plummet, The correct New Moon Day is indicated by gravitational forces, sun + moon together sways the plummet on the morning of The New Moon Day, as they come up together in the east. If we meet with Him on His appointed times His appointments on His Calendar, then we benefit by association with Him, and His Rigteousness rubs off on us, as He makes us qodesh from our sinful situation. If we assemble for worship on a common day He is not there to meet with us, for the Special New Moon + Sabbath Day Blessing. (although where 2 or 3 are gathered together praying in His qodesh Name, He is there)

Psa 118:24 This is the day [New Moon day] which YHVH hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it:
Daniel 8:11 The "place" is properly interpreted as "fixture", as the fixture or plummet hung from a high pinnacle in His Sanctuary was cast down removing the "daily" or removing this event Exodus 20:8 "Mark even day The New Moon, to consecrate It", which was before they "changed the ordinance"
) Isaiah 28 is also referring to the great subject of health reform.
Psalm 60:4 "Thou hast appointed to them that reverence Thee, a signal, as the face (of the moon-Gen.1:14 or face of a balance) abates away, a balance ( a 'fixture' contraption in balance falls or plumb-bob swings), a suspension (Plumb-bob is suspended or balance?)."
This signals conjunction, to "Mark even Day The New Moon to consecrate It"(in repaired 4th Commandment).  Something in balance, could be made to move or indicate, only on the morning of The New Moon Day.

Judges 13:18 And The Angel of Yehovah said unto him, Why askest thou thus after My Name, seeing it is secret?

Psalms 25:14 The Secret of Yehovah is with them that fear Him; and He will shew them His Covenant. (breach in 4th Commandment repaired, and His calendar stamped with His Great Name)

The repetition in Isaiah 28, "line upon line, line upon line, precept upon precept, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little" and then repeated again later, shows how laborious the Scriptures must be studied compared and dissected, and then later to repeat the same process, making sure we have uncovered the hidden Truths of His Word, hidden when the Roll entered into the house of the thief, where they removed His Great and Glorious and Wonderful and Saving Name, by which pattern we see Truth in His Qodesh Word, and The Seal of His Great Name in His second book of nature, the number pattern of His Name Yah as indicating exothermic foods. His Name has the pattern of the "key of David" to unlock Scriptural mysteries, and to understand Truths. This is all related to Eliyah's message which reinforces the Grand Truth's of His Law, Statutes and Judgements, at the end of Malachi. As He is timeless, so are His 10 Commandments. It will be a surprise when He reveals His Ten Commandments again, which will show how the 4th commandment has been altared. see Isaiah 58:12
Isa 58:12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
Isa 58:13 If thou turn away thy foot from the New Moon Day, from doing thy pleasure on My Holy Day; and call the New Moon Day a delight, The Holy of Yehovah, honourable; and shalt honour Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:
Isa 58:14 Then shalt thou delight thyself on Yehovah; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for The Mouth of Yehovah hath spoken.

The New Moon Day is the chief cornerstone of Yehovah's calendar, it is "the mount of the appointed times" which satan has hidden by altaring Scriptures. When the flying scroll entered into the house of the thief. When His Great Name was stolen(and replaced with Baal-or "The Lord"), with the moeds of His Great Name, and replaced by "The Prince of the hosts cast down" with sun-baal worship keeping "Sunday" see Daniel 8:11, as the sun or solar only calendar cast down the original soli-lunar calendar of Genesis 1:14-18
Zec 5:1 Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll.
Zec 5:2 And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits.
Zec 5:3 Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.
Zec 5:4 I will bring it forth, saith Yehovah of Hosts, and it shall enter into
the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by My Name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.

In the 4th day of creation week, He set the lights, (moved them from above the waters above to the fimamament below), for day and night, and for calendation, as described in the 4th Commandment, "Mark even day The New Moon, to consecrate It. Six days shalt thou labor ..." All in honor of the 4 Letters of His Name, as is imprinted in the Hebrew text of Leviticus 1:1 His hidden calendar, with each Letter of His Great and Glorious and Wonderful and Saving Name preceeding each of the 4 lunar weekly cycles of each moon. The week of Yod, The week of He, The week of Vav, The week of He. Yod-He-Vav-He created the heavens and earth in six work days, and rested on the 7th. In Genesis 1 He appointed the sun and moon and stars for signs, appointments, days and years.  As He dwells in eternity, we do not assign a number or day number, to the 4 Letters of His Name, in this example below.
In the image below, after the 29th day, that is the 4th quarter 7th day Sabbath of the luni-solar calendar, the next letter is Mem representing waters, a waiting day, called the New Moon day, the 1st, then the next letter is Resh, meaning "head of the month" in this case, called the New Moon day, the 2nd, which is the day to blow the trumpet in conjunction, as before, it was a 30 day lunar cycle, the moon's cycle was "dented" so it is no longer a 30 day moon, but is now a 29.5 day lunar cycle.

As timed by lunar cycle in Jerusalem, and 1st New Moon Day closest to "equinox" in Jerusalem, starting "Abib"
Moment of conjunction is the point; the biblical "day" container in which it occurs; sun-rise throughout the following night, until next sunrise, beginning a new "day".
When conjunction occurs in the night, "New Moon Day" declaration is counted as the "day" light it is closest to: Is it closer to the previous sunset, or is it closer to the next sunrise, in hours minutes and seconds?
Ecclesiastes 11:3  If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.
In the day, 'place', where the moment of conjunction falls, (In Jerusalem) there It, shall be declared 'The New Moon is Consecrated'.


Amos 7:7  Thus he shewed me: and, behold, Adonai stood upon a wall made by a plumbline, with a plumbline in His hand.
Amos 7:8  And Yehovah said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A plumbline. Then said Yehovah, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of My people Israel: I will not again pass by them any more:
Isa 28:16  Therefore thus saith Yehovah Elohim, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure f
oundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. (a sure foundation of His calendar determined by the plummet in verse 17.)
Isa 28:17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.

Perhaps, a plumb-bob suspended next to a wall, on the west side of a wall, close to the wall, will touch and lean against the wall on The New Moon Day, in the morning. If the plumb-bob is suspended very high, to magnify the movement.
This is the day which Yehovah hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in It. The New Moon Day is a day of rejoicing, as Nehemiah knew that it was sin to be mournful, for "In Thy Presence is fullness of Joy, at Thy Right Hand there are pleasures forevermore" "If thou turn away thy foot from The New Moon Day, from doing thy pleasure on 'My Qodesh Day'" As Exodus 31:14 indicates a death penalty for grievous behavior, on The New Moon Day, and a lesser penalty for work, put out of the camp "cut off", and verse 15 a death penalty for working on the 7th day Sabbath, as timed after The New Moon Day.

This comes, I will not again pass by them any more: Ezekiel 9 is executed, after Ezekiel 8, the 25 church leaders turn their backs towards the west with the east gate of the temple behind them facing the sun, (the solar only calendar), coming up in the east. If they were facing the west, toward the east gate of the temple, they  could perhaps, at the evening sacrifice, in the 4th quarter Sabbath, see the last harline sliver of the moon, going down slightly before the sun in the west. The 25 men (ancient men before the house) have rejected the Light of Truth in the latter rain, that fills the earth up with The Knowledge of Yehovah, as the waters cover the sea.

Ezekiel 13:10  Because, even because they have seduced My people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered morter (doctrine):
Ezekiel 13:14  So will I break down the wall that ye have daubed with untempered (unscriptural) morter, and bring it down to the ground, so that the foundation thereof shall be discovered, and it shall fall, and ye shall be consumed in the midst thereof: and ye shall know that I am Yehovah.
Ezekiel 13:15  Thus will I accomplish my wrath upon the wall, and upon them that have daubed it with untempered morter, and will say unto you, The wall is no more, neither they that daubed it;

(the false teachers daubing the false calendar with 'a refuge of lies' or 'untempered mortar' e.g. "The weekly cycle is an unbreakable cycle of 7's from creation week until now, never lost sight of . . ." etc.: That statment is untempered mortar, not Scriptural)

This wall, in Amos, represents the calendar with It’s division of days, appointed by the moon with it’s foundation determined by The New Moon Day proclamation determined by the plumbline, swinging when the sun and moon in conjunction, comes up in the east in Jerusalem.

The wall in Ezekiel represents the false pagan solar only calendar with it’s division of days, pagan, untempered doctrine, not in Scripture.



7th day Sabbaths are designated as "1st Q" (week), "2nd Q", "3rd Q" and "4th Q" (weekly cycles are counted from after "The New Moon Day")
Per Ezekiel 46:1, 3 The New Moon Day can never be one of the days of the weekly cycle

March 20, 2019 Spring Equinox

April 3, 2019 4th Q

April 5,2019 1st New Moon the beginning of months
April 12, 2019 1st Q
April 18, 2019 Passover evening
April 19, 2019 2nd Q
April 26, 2019 3rd Q
May 3, 2019 4th Q

May 5, 2019 2nd New Moon from beginning of months
May 12, 2019 1st Q
May 19, 2019 2nd Q
May 26, 2019 3rd Q
June 2, 2019 4th Q

June 3, 2019 3rd New Moon from beginning of months
June 10, 2019 1st Q
June 17, 2019 2nd Q
June 24, 2019 3rd Q
July 1, 2019 4th Q

July 2, 2019 4th New Moon from beginning of months
July 9, 2019 1st Q
July 16, 2019 2nd Q
July 23, 2019 3rd Q
July 30, 2019 4th Q - Pentecost

August 1, 2019 5th New Moon from beginning of months
August 8, 2019 1st Q
August 15, 2019 2nd Q
August 22, 2019 3rd Q
August 29, 2019 4th Q

August 30, 2019 6th New Moon from beginning of months
September 6, 2019 1st Q
September 13, 2019 2nd Q
September 20, 2019 3rd Q
September 27, 2019 4th Q

September 28, 2019 7th New Moon from beginning of months, Moed of Trumperts
October 5, 2019 1st Q
October 6, 2019 Evening before Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement
October 7, 2019 Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement until evening
October 12, 2019 2nd Q Moed of Tabernacles
October 19, 2019 3rd Q End of Moed of Tabernacles
October 26, 2019 4th Q

October 28, 2019 8th New Moon from beginning of months
November 4, 2019 1st Q
November 11, 2019 2nd Q
November 18, 2019 3rd Q
November 25, 2019 4th Q

November 26, 2019 9th New Moon from beginning of months
December 3, 2019 1st Q
December 10, 2019 2nd Q
December 17, 2019 3rd Q
December 24, 2019 4th Q

December 26, 2019 10th New Moon from beginning of months
January 2, 2020 1st Q
January 9, 2020 2nd Q
January 16, 2020 3rd Q
January 23, 2020 4th Q

January 24, 2020 11th New Moon from beginning of months
January 31, 2020 1st Q
February 7, 2020  2nd Q
February 14, 2020 3rd Q
February 21, 2020 4th Q

February 23, 2020 12th New Moon from beginning of months
March 1, 2020 1st Q
March 8, 2020 2nd Q
March 15, 2020 3rd Q
March 22, 2020 4th Q

March 20 2020 Jerusalem Spring Equinox

March 24, 2020 1st New Moon the beginning of months
March 31 2020 1st Q
April 7 2020 2nd Q
April 14 2020 3rd Q
April 21 2020 4th Q

April 23 2020 2nd New Moon from beginning of months
April 30 2020 1st Q
May 7 2020 2nd Q
May 14 2020 3rd Q
May 21 2020 4th Q

May 22 2020 3rd New Moon from beginning of months
May 29 2020 1st Q
June 5 2020 2nd Q
June 12 2020 3rd Q
June 19 2020 4th Q

June 21 2020 4th New Moon from beginning of months
June 28 2020 1st Q
July 5 2020 2nd Q
July 12 2020 3rd Q

July 18 2020 Feast of Weeks, end of 50 day count-No work of service, a qodesh gathering

July 19 2020 4th Q

July 20 2020 5th New Moon from beginning of months
July 27 2020 1st Q
Aug 3 2020 2nd Q
Aug 10 2020 3rd Q
Aug 17 2020 4th Q

Aug 19 2020 6th New Moon from beginning of months
Aug 26 2020 1st Q
Sep 2 2020 2nd Q
Sep 9 2020 3rd Q
Sep 16 2020 4th Q

Sep 17 2020 7th New Moon from beginning of months, Feast of Trumpets
Sep 24 2020 1st Q
Oct 1 2020 2nd Q
Oct 8 2020 3rd Q
Oct 15 4th Q

Oct 16 2020 8th New Moon from beginning of months
Oct 23 2020 1st Q
Oct 30 2020 2nd Q
Nov 6 2020 3rd Q
Nov 13 2020 4th Q

Nov 15 2020 9th New Moon from beginning of months
Nov 22 2020 1st Q
Nov 29 2020 2nd Q
Dec 6 2020 3rd Q
Dec 13 2020 4th Q

Dec 14 2020 10th New Moon from beginning of months
Dec 21 2020 1st Q
Dec 28 2020 2nd Q
Jan 4 2021 3rd Q
Jan 11 2021 4th Q

Jan 13 2021 11th New Moon from beginning of months
Jan 20 2021 1st Q
Jan 27 2021 2nd Q
Feb 3 2021 3rd Q
Feb 10 2021 4th Q

Feb 11 2021 12th New Moon from beginning of months
Feb 18 2021 1st Q
Feb 25 2021 2nd Q
Mar 4 2021 3rd Q
Mar 11 2021 4th Q

Mar 13 2021 1st New Moon the beginning of months
Mar 20 2021 1st Q, Jerusalem Spring Equinox
Mar 26 2021 Passover at evening, beginning of Unleavened Bread
Mar 27 2021 2nd Q,
April 2, 2021 Unleavened Bread ends at evening
April 3 2021 3rd Q, Mimouna commanded in Deuteronomy 16:8, as there are six working days, so this is speaking of the 3rd quarter weekly cycle to eat unleavened bread the six work days, and specifies the 7th day of the weekly cycle for this feast day with no work, with leavened bread allowed, after fasting 7 days without leaven. Praise Abba Yah for understanding now of this previously misunderstood verse.
April 10 2021 4th Q

March 20 2021

April 12 2021 2nd New Moon from beginning of months
April 19 2021 1st Q
April 26 2021 2nd Q
May 3 2021 3rd Q
May 10 2021 4th Q

May 11 2021 3rd New Moon from beginning of months (Tuesday)
May 18 2021 1st Q
May 25 2021 2nd Q
June 1 2021 3rd Q
June 8 2021 4th Q

June 10 2021 4th New Moon from beginning of months (Thursday)
June 17 2021 1st Q
June 24 2021 2nd Q
July 1 2021 3rd Q
July 7 2021 Feast of Weeks, end of 50 day count-No work of service, a qodesh gathering
July 8 2021 4th Q

July 10 2021 5th New Moon from beginning of months (Saturday)
July 17 2021 1st Q
July 24 2021 2nd Q
July 31 2021 3rd Q
August 7 2021 4th Q

August 8 2021 6th New Moon from beginning of months (Sunday)
August 15 2021 1st Q
August 22 2021 2nd Q
August 29 2021 3rd Q
September 5 4th Q

September 7 2021 7th New Moon from beginning of months (Tuesday) Feast of Trumpets
September 14 2021 1st Q
September 16 2021 This is the 10th day of the 7th month, The Day of Atonement
September 21 2021 2nd Q - First day gathering for Sukkot
September 22 2021 1st of the six work days, build a Sukkot
September 28 2021 3rd Q - Last day Sukkot, 7th day Shabat
October 4 2021 4th Q

October 6 2021 8th New Moon from beginning of months (Wednesday)
October 13 2021 1st Q
October 20 2021 2nd Q
October 27 2021 3rd Q
November 3 2021 4th Q

November 4 2021 9th New Moon from beginning of months (Thursday)
November 11 2021 1st Q
November 18 2021 2nd Q
November 25 2021 3rd Q
December 2 2021 4th Q

December 4 2021 10th New Moon from beginning of months (Saturday)
December 11 2021 1st Q
December 18 2021 2nd Q
December 25 2021 3rd Q
January 1 2022 4th Q


January 2 2022 11th New Moon from beginning of months (Sunday)
January 9 2022 1st Q
January 16 2022 2nd Q
January 23 2022 3rd Q
January 30 2022 4th Q


February 1 2022 12th New Moon from beginning of months (Tuesday)
February 8 2022    1st Q
February 15 2022  2nd Q
February 22 2022  3rd Q
March 1 2022          4th Q

March 2 2022 13th New Moon from beginning of months (Wednesday)
March 9 2022  1st    Q
March 16 2022 2nd Q
March 23 2022 3rd  Q
March 30 2022 4th  Q

March 20 2022 Spring Equinox in Jerusalem (Sunday)

April 1 2022 1st New Moon the beginning of months (Friday)
April 8 2022 1st Q
April 14 2022 at evening is passover, and beginning of unleavened bread
April 15 2022 2nd Q
April 21 2022 at evening ends unleavened bread
April 22 2022 3rd Q is the 7th day 'chag-feast' of Exodus 13:6, The 'Mimouna', (leavened bread is allowed beginning the 21st after evening) Deuteronomy 16:8 (the last 6 days of unleaved bread which are the 6 'workdays', and 7th day sabbath)
April 29 2022 4th Q

April 30 2022 2nd New Moon from beginning of months (Saturday)
May 7 2022 1st Q
May 14 2022 2nd Q
May 21 2022 3rd Q
May 28 2022 4th Q

May 30 2022 3rd New Moon from beginning of months (Monday)
June 6 2022 1st Q
June 13 2022 2nd Q
June 20 2022 3rd Q
June 27 2022 4th Q

June 29 2022 4th New Moon from beginning of months (Wednesday)
July 6 2022 1st Q
July 13 2022 2nd Q
July 20 2022 3rd Q
July 26 2022 - Feast of Weeks, Pentecost: This is the 50th day of the count after 7 Sabbaths complete, beginning with 1st new moon, the 16th day, the wave offering
A Feast day to take off from work, to rejoice in how Yehovah has prospered your crops and flocks, grind some grain from your field into flour to bake bread, about 5 quarts of flour(?), into two loaves with yeast. New fresh bread made on this 50th day, baked in your homes, and offer them to Yehovah, by giving them to the poor, and the alien. (as later it says to leave the gleanings for the poor and alien)
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
(The Feast of Weeks, seems to be appearing in the 4th moon, on the preparation day before the 4th 7th day sabbath, consistently over the years, making this a 3 day celebration, Feast of Weeks-26th, 7th day Sabbath-27, and The Qodesh New Moon Day-28th)
July 27 2022 4th Q

July 28 2022 5th New Moon from beginning of months (Thursday)
August 4 2022 1st Q
August 11 2022 2nd Q
August 18 2022 3rd Q
August 25 2022 4th Q

August 27 2022 6th New Moon from beginning of months (Saturday)
September 3 2022 1st Q
September 10 2022 2nd Q
September 17 2022 3rd Q
September 24 2022 4th Q

September 26 2022 7th New Moon from beginning of months (Monday) - The Day of blowing of Trumpets, as a marking signal of the 7th month and upcoming 10th day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles
October 3 2022 1st Q
October 4 2022 Evening of the 9th day begin fast (afflict your soul)
October 5 2022 Day of Atonement, fast until evening of the 10th day (afflict your soul)
October 10 2022 2nd Q - 15th day of lunar month - Feast of Tabernacles, this is the 1st day of the feast, a 7th day Sabbath (see Leviticus 23:39)
October 11 2022 - 1st of the six working days, this is the "1st" day to build a tabernacle, to dwell in for one complete Biblical weekly cycle of 7 days
October 17 2022 3rd Q - the "8th" day of the Feast, the 1st and 8th day of the feast are 7th day Sabbaths (see Leviticus 23:39)
October 18 2022 - 23rd day of the lunar month - 1st of the six working days, leave "feast" and go home (see 2nd Chronicles 7:10) the 23rd day of the lunar month, Solomon sent them home
October 24 2022 4th Q

October 25 2022 8th New Moon from beginning of months (Tuesday)
November 1 2022 1st Q
November 8 2022 2nd Q
November 15 2022 3rd Q
November 22 2022 4th Q

November 24 2022 9th New Moon from beginning of months (Thursday)
December 1 2022 1st Q
December 8 2022 2nd Q
December 15 2022 3rd Q
December 22 2022 4th Q

December 23 2022 10th New Moon from beginning of months (Friday)
December 30 2022 1st Q
January 6 2023 2nd Q
January 13 2023 3rd Q
January 20 2023 4th Q

January 21 2023 11th New Moon from beginning of months (Saturday)
January 28 2023 1st Q
February  4 2023 2nd Q
February 11 2023 3rd Q
February 18 2023 4th Q


February 20 2023 12th New Moon from beginning of months (Monday)
February 27 2023  1st Q      (The week of 'yod')
March 6 2023          2nd Q    (The week of 'hay')
March 13 2023       3rd Q     (The week of 'vav')
March 20 2023       4th Q     (The week of 'hay')

March 20 2023 Spring Equinox in Jerusalem (Monday)

March 21 2023 1st New Moon the beginning of months (Tuesday)
March 28 2023 1st Q
April 3 2023 evening Passover, Unleavened bread
April 4 2023      2nd Q
April 5    2023 the count of 7 Sabbaths complete begins
April 10 2023 evening end unleavened bread
April 11 2023    3rd Q Mimouna Chag
April 18 2023    4th Q


April 20, 2023 2nd New Moon from beginning of months (Thursday)
April 27, 2023 1st Q
May 4, 2023   2nd Q
May 11, 2023 3rd Q
May 18, 2023 4t Q

May 19, 2023 3rd New Moon from beginning of months (Friday)
May 26, 2023    1st Q (7th Sabbaths completed)
May 27, 2023 the count of 50 days begins
June 2, 2023    2nd Q
June 9, 2023    3rd Q
June 16, 2023  4th Q


June 17, 2023  1st day of the 2 day New Moon
June 18, 2023 4th New Moon from beginning of months (Sunday), blow the trumpet on this day, "bakesah", "The New Moon, the Second" I Samuel 20:27, 34
June 25, 2023  1st Q
July    2, 2023   2nd Q
July    9, 2023   3rd Q
July  15 2023    Feast of Pentecost (50th day from May 27)
July  16, 2023   4th Q


July 17, 2023 5th New Moon from beginning of months (Monday)
July 24, 2023  1st Q
July 31, 2023  2nd Q
Aug  7,  2023  3rd Q
Aug 14, 2023 4th Q

Aug 16, 2023 6th New Moon from beginning of months (Wednesday)
Aut  23, 2023 1st Q
Aug 30, 2023 2nd Q
Sept  6, 2023 3rd Q
Sept 13 2023 4th Q

Sept 15, 2023 7th New Moon from beginning of months (Friday)
Sept 22, 2023 1st Q
Sept 24, 2023 Yom Kippur
Sept 29, 2023 2nd Q Feast of Tabernacles
Sept 30, 2023 Build booth
Oct 6, 2023    3rd Q
Oct 7, 2023 Leave booth and go home
Oct 13, 2023  4th Q


Oct 14,  2023 8th New Moon from beginning of months (Saturday)
Oct 21,  2023 1st Q
Oct 28,  2023 2nd Q
Nov 4,  2023 3rd Q
Nov 11, 2023 4th Q

Nov 13, 2023 9th New Moon from beginning of months (Monday)
Nov 20, 2023 1st Q
Nov 27, 2023 2nd Q
Dec 4, 2023   3rd Q
Dec 11, 2023 4th Q

Dec 13, 2023 10th New Moon from beginning of months (Wednesday)
Dec 20, 2023 1st Q
Dec 27, 2023 2nd Q
Jan 3, 2023   3rd Q
Jan 10, 2023 4th Q


Jan 11,      2024 11th New Moon from beginniing of months (Thursday)
Jan 18,      2024 1st Q
Jan 25,      2024 2nd Q
Feb 1,        2024 3rd Q
Feb 8,        2024 4th Q

Maybe, Jan 14, 2024 Sunday, time of trouble starts the count, (National Sun-days law, excludes the Biblical lunar calendar endorsed with His Great Name, yod-he-vav-he)
 1335 days later is Sept 9, 2027, The blessed Day of Jubilee on Yom Kippur (Maybe Jubilee), 2027, When His Voice delivers His people.

March 8,    2027 1st New Moon the beginning of months (closest New Moon Day to the spring equinox in Israel)

Aug 31,      2027  7th New Moon from beginning of months (Tuesday)
Sept 7,       2027 1stQ
Sept 9,       2027 10th day of 7th New Moon, Yom Kippur


Feb 10, 2024 12th New Moon from beginnin of months (Saturday)
Feb 17, 2024 1st Q
Feb 24, 2024 2nd Q
March 2, 2024 3rd Q
March 9, 2024 4th Q

March 10, 2024 13th New Moon from the beginning of months (Sunday)
March 17, 2024 1st Q
March 24, 2024 2nd Q
March 31, 2024 3rd Q
April 7,      2024 4th Q

April 8, 2024 1st New Moon the beginning of months (Monday)
April 15, 2024 1st Q
April 21, 2024 "14th at even begins unleavened bread"
April 22, 2024 2nd Q
April 28, 2024 "21st at even ends unleavened bread"
April 29, 2024 3rd Q
May 6, 2024 4th Q

May 8, 2024 2nd New Moon from the beginning of months (Wednesday)
May 15, 2024 1st Q
May 22, 2024 2nd Q
May 29, 2024 3rd Q
June 5, 2024 4th Q

June 6, 2024 3rd New Moon from the beginning of months (Thursday)
June 13, 2024 1st Q
June 20, 2024 2nd Q
June 27, 2024 3rd Q
July  4, 2024 4th Q

July 6, 2024 4th New Moon from the beginning of months (Saturday)
July 13, 2024 1st Q
July 20, 2024 2nd Q
July 27, 2024 3rd Q
Aug 2, 2024 Day of Pentecost, wave offering, no servile work
Aug 3, 2024 4th Q

August 4, 2024 5th New Moon from the beginning of months (Sunday)
August 11, 2024 1st Q
August 18, 2024 2nd Q
August  25 2024 3rd Q
September 1 2024 4th Q



September 3, 2024 6th New Moon from the beginning of months (Tuesday)
September 10, 2024 1st Q
September 17, 2024 2nd Q
September 24, 2024 3rd Q
October  1, 2024  4th Q

October 2, 2024 7th New Moon from the beginning of months (Wednesday)
October 9, 2024 1st Q
October 11, 2024 Yom Kippur Day of Atonement
October 16, 2024 2nd Q 1st day Feast of Tabernacles
October 17, 2024 1st day of the weekly cycle, build a booth and dwell in 7 days
October 23, 2024 3rd Q - 7th day of dwelling in a booth
October 24, pack up and go home from the Feast of Tabernacles
October 30, 2024 4th Q




March 26, 2028 1st New Moon the beginning of months
April 24, 2028 2nd New Moon from beginning of months
May 24, 2028 3rd New Moon from beginning of months
June 22, 2028 4th New Moon from beginning of months
July 22, 2028 5th New Moon from beginning of months
August 20, 2028 6th New Moon from beginning of months
September 18, 2028 7th New Moon from beginning of months
September 27, 2028 Yom Kippur

Sunday April 20, 2025 is Easter Sunday
1335 days later including end date
December 14, 2028 4th Q Shabat of the 9th New Moon from the beginning of months


Speculation of future

The institution of the Mark of the Beast, Solar only calendar law, meaning Sunday Law, or Sun-days Law, 'sun worship', can't buy or sell without the "Mark",
Then 1335 days later should be "The Day of Atonement", "Then commenced the Jubilee" 'Blessed is he that cometh to the 1335 day' when Yehovah speaks the day and hour of Yehoshua's coming.

March 29, 2025 1st New Moon the beginning of months

April 27

May 27

June 25

July 24

August 23

September 21

September 30 Day of Atonement

October 21

Jer 31:35 Thus saith Yehovah, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; Yehovah of Hosts is His Name:

Psa 104:19 He appointed(made) the moon for seasons(appointments): the sun knoweth his going down.
Gen 1:14 And Elohim said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
Gen 1:15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
Gen 1:16 And Elohim made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also.
Gen 1:17 And Elohim set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
Gen 1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and Elohim saw that it was good.
Gen 1:19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Isa 66:23 And it shall come to pass, that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith Yehovah.

Eze 46:1 Thus saith Yehovah Elohim; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the Sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the New Moon it shall be opened.

Amo 8:5 Saying, When will the New Moon be gone, that we may sell corn? and the Sabbath, that we may set forth wheat, making the ephah small, and the shekel great, and falsifying the balances by deceit?

Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the New Moon, or of the Sabbath days:

Rev 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:




Past calendar illustration

As shown, below, The New Moon Day, "HIs Qodesh Day" is "qodesh", that is "set apart" and never one of the days of the weekly cycle, as a "Mother" can never be one of her "offspring".

Mon Feb 4, 2018
New Moon Day
1st day of Moon
Sabbath rest
Bible weekday number
planetary weekday name
The Week of “Yod” Feb 5
Feb 6
Feb 7
Feb 8
Feb 9
Feb 10
Feb 11
-1st Quarter Shabat
The Week of “Hay” Feb 12
Feb 13
Feb 14
Feb 15
Feb 16
Feb 17
Feb 18
-2nd Quarter Shabat
The Week of “Vav” Feb 19
Feb 20
Feb 21
Feb 22
Feb 23
Feb 24
Feb 25
-3rd Quarter Shabat
The Week of “Hay” Feb 26
Feb 27
Feb 28
Mar 1
Mar 2
Mar 3
Mar 4
-4th Quarter Shabat



The Conjunctive New Moon Day is the chief cornerstone of the lunar cycle.
It contains the first day and the last day remnant of the previous month. It is the beginning of the New Moon and has the ending of the previous moon. It is Numbered “1”.

The 4th quarter 7th day Sabbath is part of the “chief cornerstone”, of the lunar calendar cycle. It is the last day of the moon, and is part of the celebration of the 2 or 3 day New Moon lunar month-end-beginning, represented by the “mem” after the 29th day in the image above, as the Spirit of Elohim moved over the face of the waters(mem represents “waters”), before the sun was created. For on the 4th day of creation, He made to “appear”, the “signs” of His Moeds in the 4th commandment-which begins with:
“Remember the New Moon Day to keep it holy”.  It is a possibility the moon hovered over the face of the waters before creation week began, as the New Moon Day is never one of the six working days.

There is some discussion that yod resh chet, y’rayach, the moon is in Genesis 1:2 rather than resh vav chet, Spirit, or both hovered over the face of the waters. Y’rayach makes me think “Spirit of The Father”, as He breaths words and things come into existence which were not before His Breathing-Speaking. The letter “yod” represents “The Father” in the Tetragrammaton. The letter “yod” is reminiscent of a small tornado in appearance, creating incursions in space-time-space, beginning and creating, inscribing every one of the other 27 Hebrew letters, including the final forms, which center letter is “mem”, waters, which were already there in the beginning, before creation week started following the New Moon in darkness.
The Holy Spirit is also called the Spirit of Truth, as Truth is spelled with the first middle and last letter of the Hebrew Alef-Bet, EMeT, or Alef-Mem-Tav.
As Adam and Eve, so He made in “our” image and likeness, so He revealed in mankind something of His attributes. Truly “in Him we live and move and have our being”. Our Saviour was in the beginning with Elohim as He is the Letters-Word, which our Heavenly Father spoke, creating the heavens and the earth. Some teach that each letter is a cosmic spiritual force. Read John chapter 1. Some of the old translations instead of calling Him “Him” call Him “It”. I think this must be the “et” in Genesis 1:1, as this word means all the letters from alef to tav. In the beginning created Elohim “et”, and through the use of the letters from alef to tav, by speaking words, created the heavens and the earth. The “et” is in the Hebrew Masoretic text, but left out of the translations.

The New Moon day is represented by the “vav” beginning Leviticus 1:1, where the calendar is embedded or “hidden” in scripture, with the 4 letters of His Name standing at the beginning of each lunar week.

The letter “vav” means “conjunction” as well as “and”.
In the Tetragrammaton, the letter “vav” represents “The Son”.
It is the letter starting the third week on the opposite corner in the FourSquare Calendar, the 15th begins the “Feast of Tabernacles” and is the first daylight of “Unleavened Bread”. Thus He is the “Beginning and the End”, the “Truth” comprising the 1st and middle and last, the EMeT, which word is comprised of the 1st middle and last letter of the Hebrew Alef-Bet.

The Lunar Calendar is embedded in Leviticus 1:1.

The New Moon Day, must be in honor of “The Son of Righteousness” as He is The Alef & Tav, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

The four letters of His Name, the tetragrammaton, are at the head of each week, as seen in Leviticus 1:1 in the header image, with 7 letters in between each of the four letters of His Name YHVH, and 7 letters following the last H or “he” pronounced “hay” or “huh”, representing the 7 days of His four weekly cycles, in each “moon”.  He dwells in eternity, so the four letters of His Name, not numbered, stand at the beginning of His four lunar based weeks; thus He endorses, with His Name, His “Sabbath Institution” measured by His calendar. The count begins with “Vav”, new moon day, representing “Y’hoshua” in the Tetragrammaton, The First and the Last, joining the end of the old moon with the beginning of the new moon, which stands outside of the weekly cycle, and the fourth quarter sabbath is followed by another festival, the letter “Mem” representing “waters” for the 1 or 2 day New Moon Festival following the nearly dark moon sabbath of the 4th quarter week. “And the Spirit of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters”(Mem) on the New Moon Day, before creation week began. The Holy Spirit hovered over the face of the waters on the New Moon day before creation week-work, began, as the New Moon day is called “the holy day” in Nehemiah 8 and 10.  It is dark on New Moon day, because light was created the next day, the first day of the first week, See Psalms 81:3 as the trumpet is blown on the New Moon Day, when she is fully “covered”, ba-kesah. 3677 should be 3680, as seen in Hebrew “bet-samak-he. A conspiracy to hide how to know when the true New Moon Day is calculated or “Marked”.

Psa 81:3  Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed(from 3680 to cover up, conceal), on our solemn feast day.

New Moon represents, renewal, rebirth, a new beginning, as the shadow of the moon during equinox passes over the earth.  “Marking” the New Moon Holy Day, The big festival of rejoicing in YHVH.

Exodus 20:8 (breach repaired)

“Mark even day, The New Moon, to consecrate It”

from Ellen Whites first vision, “got their eyes off the mark and lost sight of Yehoshua, and fell off the path down in the dark and wicked world below

The “Path” above is in Ellen Whites writings:
“The Path of obedience to natures laws, is the direct path to heaven.”
This includes natural law in eating and drinking as well as the natural laws of the moon, which marks out the path way of time for all appointment dates.

Isaiah 58:12
12 And [they that shall be] of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths(lunar timed weeks) to dwell in.

Exodus 20:8 – on the tablets of stone:
“Remember The New Moon Day to keep It Holy”
The breach, “the transgression of desolation”:
“Remember The Sabbath Day to keep it Holy”

Truth is unified and whole. Isaiah 28 tells us “This the rest, and this is the refreshing, Light-Truth found by comparing scripture with scripture, line upon line, precept upon precept. The Sabbath is repaired by restoring the first line, Remember the New Moon Day to keep It Holy.” or “Mark even day, the New Moon, to consecrate It.” This is “The Breach” repaired; which was desolated by transgressing His Command to not add nor diminish from His Words. Because they have “transgressed the Law, changed the ordinance, broken the ever-lasting Covenant.” see Isaiah 24:5, partially quoted

Exodus 31:13
13 And you speak to the sons of Israel, saying, surely My Sabbaths you shall keep for a sign-(owth 226) these between Me and you for your generations; to know that I YHVH your sanctifier.

If we miss His Appointments, then we are there, when He isn’t there, and He is There when we are not there, and we miss the blessing, and sanctification of association with Him, and miss His sanctifying power, such as shone on Moses face when he came down from the Mount.

May we be willing to be made willing to accept all His Light of Truth.

Past Annual Feast

April 10 at evening.
April 11, Shabat and 1st day of unleavened bread.
April 17, 7th day of unleavened bread, 6th day of the lunar week, preparation day for the Shabat.
April 18, Shabat and Feast with leavened bread.
I replace wheat bread with casabe, a flat bread made with the yucca or cassava root.





Old calendar below:

Saturday Oct. 1  is The New Moon Day, the daylight closest to conjunction in Jerusalem’s biblical time, with the divider of the night, being mid-night, as the tree falls in the direction it is leaning towards, so conjunction-New Moon declaration, “falls” upon the daylight it is closest to, or occurs in.

When conjunction occurs in the night, New Moon day is assigned to the closest daylight, either the evening before conjunction, or the morning following conjunction. Whichever daylight conjunction is closest to, in hours minutes and seconds , the evening before, or the morning following conjunction, in Jerusalem, (The City of Our Great King, Yehovah of Hosts, where the New Jerusalem will come) determines the proclamation of “New Moon Day”!

Ecclesiastes 11:3  If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.

Similarly is the first month of the year; it is the New Moon day closest to the spring equinox, is called the month of Abiv, as the sun is the masculine leader, and the moon is the feminine follower, as the sun leads the day and the year units of time measurement. The moon  leads in signalling the moeds.

Since Genesis 1 tells us that the two greater lights are for signs and seasons, days and years, I use this “guide” rather than “harvest” except for the feast of weeks based upon the beginning of harvest with the wave sheaf offered on the day after the next shabat.
I could be wrong but this is the best now I presently see, as I am still learning.

Wed April 26, 2017
New Moon Day
1st day of Moon
Bible weekday number
planetary weekday name
The Week of “Yod” April 27
April 28
April 29
Apr 30
May 1
May 2
May 3
1st Quarter
The Week of “Hay” May 4
May 5
May 6
May 7
May 8
May 9
May 10
2nd Quarter
The Week of “Vav” May 11
May 12
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16
May 17
3rd Quarter
The Week of “Hay” May 18
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24
4th Quarter



Oh Wonderful is our Heavenly Father, Who teaches His children down here below! Who loves us so much that He gave His Only Begotten Son, in order to save and redeem us from our sin-rebellion!